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'scroll' : ''); this.body.addClass(((this.clsContainer) + " " + (this.clsFlip) + " " + (this.clsOverlay))).height(); this.content.addClass(this.clsContentAnimation); this.panel.addClass(((this.clsSidebarAnimation) + " " + (this.mode !== 'reveal' ? this.clsMode : ''))); this.$el.addClass(this.clsOverlay).css('display', 'block').height(); } }, { name: 'hide', self: true, handler: function handler() { this.content.removeClass(this.clsContentAnimation); if (this.mode === 'none' || this.getActive() && this.getActive() !== this) { this.panel.trigger(transitionend); } } }, { name: 'hidden', self: true, handler: function handler() { if (this.mode === 'reveal') { this.panel.unwrap(); } if (!this.overlay) { scroll = {x: window.pageXOffset, y: window.pageYOffset}; } else if (!scroll) { var ref = this.content[0]; var x = ref.scrollLeft; var y = ref.scrollTop; scroll = {x: x, y: y}; } this.panel.removeClass(((this.clsSidebarAnimation) + " " + (this.clsMode))); this.$el.removeClass(this.clsOverlay).css('display', ''); this.body.removeClass(((this.clsContainer) + " " + (this.clsFlip) + " " + (this.clsOverlay))).scrollTop(scroll.y); docElement.css('overflow-y', ''); this.content.width('').height(''); window.scrollTo(scroll.x, scroll.y); scroll = null; } }, { name: 'swipeLeft swipeRight', handler: function handler(e) { if (this.isToggled() && isTouch(e) && (e.type === 'swipeLeft' && !this.flip || e.type === 'swipeRight' && this.flip)) { this.hide(); } } } ] }); }; var Responsive = function (UIkit) { UIkit.component('responsive', { props: ['width', 'height'], init: function init() { this.$addClass('uk-responsive-width'); }, update: { read: function read() { this.dim = this.$el.is(':visible') && this.width && this.height ? {width: this.$el.parent().width(), height: this.height} : false; }, write: function write() { if (this.dim) { this.$el.height(Dimensions.contain({height: this.height, width: this.width}, this.dim).height); } }, events: ['load', 'resize'] } }); }; var Scroll = function (UIkit) { UIkit.component('scroll', { props: { duration: Number, easing: String, offset: Number }, defaults: { duration: 1000, easing: 'easeOutExpo', offset: 0 }, methods: { scrollTo: function scrollTo(el) { var this$1 = this; var target = offsetTop($__default(el)) - this.offset, document = docHeight(), viewport = window.innerHeight; if (target + viewport > document) { target = document - viewport; } if ($trigger(this.$el, 'beforescroll', [this, el]).result === false) { return; } $__default('html,body') .stop() .animate({scrollTop: Math.round(target)}, this.duration, this.easing) .promise() .then(function () { return this$1.$el.trigger('scrolled', [this$1, el]); }); } }, events: { click: function click(e) { if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } e.preventDefault(); this.scrollTo($__default(this.$el[0].hash).length ? this.$el[0].hash : 'body'); } } }); $__default.easing.easeOutExpo = $__default.easing.easeOutExpo || function (x, t, b, c, d) { return (t === d) ? b + c : c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t / d) + 1) + b; }; }; var Scrollspy = function (UIkit) { UIkit.component('scrollspy', { args: 'cls', props: { cls: 'list', target: String, hidden: Boolean, offsetTop: Number, offsetLeft: Number, repeat: Boolean, delay: Number }, defaults: { cls: ['uk-scrollspy-inview'], target: false, hidden: true, offsetTop: 0, offsetLeft: 0, repeat: false, delay: 0, inViewClass: 'uk-scrollspy-inview' }, computed: { elements: function elements() { return this.target && $__default(this.target, this.$el) || this.$el; } }, update: [ { write: function write() { if (this.hidden) { this.elements.filter((":not(." + (this.inViewClass) + ")")).css('visibility', 'hidden'); } } }, { read: function read() { var this$1 = this; this.elements.each(function (_, el) { if (!el._scrollspy) { var cls = $__default(el).attr('uk-scrollspy-class'); el._scrollspy = {toggles: cls && cls.split(',') || this$1.cls}; } el._scrollspy.show = isInView(el, this$1.offsetTop, this$1.offsetLeft); }); }, write: function write() { var this$1 = this; var index = this.elements.length === 1 ? 1 : 0; this.elements.each(function (i, el) { var $el = $__default(el), data = el._scrollspy, cls = data.toggles[i] || data.toggles[0]; if (data.show) { if (!data.inview && !data.timer) { var show = function () { $el.css('visibility', '') .addClass(this$1.inViewClass) .toggleClass(cls) .trigger('inview'); this$1.$update(); data.inview = true; delete data.timer; }; if (this$1.delay && index) { data.timer = setTimeout(show, this$1.delay * index); } else { show(); } index++; } } else { if (data.inview && this$1.repeat) { if (data.timer) { clearTimeout(data.timer); delete data.timer; } $el.removeClass(this$1.inViewClass) .toggleClass(cls) .css('visibility', this$1.hidden ? 'hidden' : '') .trigger('outview'); this$1.$update(); data.inview = false; } } }); }, events: ['scroll', 'load', 'resize'] } ] }); }; var ScrollspyNav = function (UIkit) { UIkit.component('scrollspy-nav', { props: { cls: String, closest: String, scroll: Boolean, overflow: Boolean, offset: Number }, defaults: { cls: 'uk-active', closest: false, scroll: false, overflow: true, offset: 0 }, computed: { links: function links() { return this.$el.find('a[href^="#"]').filter(function (i, el) { return el.hash; }); }, elements: function elements() { return this.closest ? this.links.closest(this.closest) : this.links; }, targets: function targets() { return $__default(this.links.toArray().map(function (el) { return el.hash; }).join(',')); } }, update: [ { read: function read() { if (this.scroll) { UIkit.scroll(this.links, {offset: this.offset || 0}); } } }, { read: function read() { var this$1 = this; var scroll = window.pageYOffset + this.offset + 1, max = docHeight() - window.innerHeight + this.offset; this.active = false; this.targets.each(function (i, el) { var top = offsetTop(el), last = i + 1 === this$1.targets.length; if (!this$1.overflow && (i === 0 && top > scroll || last && top + el.offsetTop < scroll)) { return false; } if (!last && offsetTop(this$1.targets.eq(i + 1)) <= scroll) { return; } if (scroll >= max) { for (var j = this$1.targets.length - 1; j > i; j--) { if (isInView(this$1.targets[j])) { el = this$1.targets[j]; break; } } } return !(this$1.active = toJQuery(this$1.links.filter(("[href=\"#" + (el.id) + "\"]")))); }); }, write: function write() { this.links.blur(); this.elements.removeClass(this.cls); if (this.active) { this.$el.trigger('active', [ this.active, (this.closest ? this.active.closest(this.closest) : this.active).addClass(this.cls) ]); } }, events: ['scroll', 'load', 'resize'] } ] }); }; var Sticky = function (UIkit) { UIkit.component('sticky', { mixins: [Class], attrs: true, props: { top: null, bottom: Boolean, offset: Number, animation: String, clsActive: String, clsInactive: String, clsFixed: String, clsBelow: String, selTarget: String, widthElement: 'jQuery', showOnUp: Boolean, media: 'media', target: Number }, defaults: { top: 0, bottom: false, offset: 0, animation: '', clsActive: 'uk-active', clsInactive: '', clsFixed: 'uk-sticky-fixed', clsBelow: 'uk-sticky-below', selTarget: '', widthElement: false, showOnUp: false, media: false, target: false }, computed: { selTarget: function selTarget() { return this.$props.selTarget && toJQuery(this.$props.selTarget, this.$el) || this.$el; } }, connected: function connected() { this.placeholder = $__default('
'); this.widthElement = this.$props.widthElement || this.placeholder; if (!this.isActive) { this.hide(); } }, disconnected: function disconnected() { if (this.isActive) { this.isActive = false; this.hide(); this.$removeClass(this.clsInactive); } this.placeholder.remove(); this.placeholder = null; this.widthElement = null; }, ready: function ready() { var this$1 = this; if (!(this.target && location.hash && window.pageYOffset > 0)) { return; } var target = query(location.hash); if (target) { requestAnimationFrame(function () { var top = offsetTop(target), elTop = offsetTop(this$1.$el), elHeight = this$1.$el[0].offsetHeight; if (elTop + elHeight >= top && elTop <= top + target[0].offsetHeight) { window.scrollTo(0, top - elHeight - this$1.target - this$1.offset); } }); } }, events: [ { name: 'active', handler: function handler() { this.$addClass(this.selTarget, this.clsActive); this.$removeClass(this.selTarget, this.clsInactive); } }, { name: 'inactive', handler: function handler() { this.$addClass(this.selTarget, this.clsInactive); this.$removeClass(this.selTarget, this.clsActive); } } ], update: [ { write: function write() { var this$1 = this; var outerHeight = (this.isActive ? this.placeholder : this.$el)[0].offsetHeight, el; this.placeholder .css('height', this.$el.css('position') !== 'absolute' ? outerHeight : '') .css(this.$el.css(['marginTop', 'marginBottom', 'marginLeft', 'marginRight'])); if (!document.documentElement.contains(this.placeholder[0])) { this.placeholder.insertAfter(this.$el).attr('hidden', true); } this.width = this.widthElement.attr('hidden', null)[0].offsetWidth; this.widthElement.attr('hidden', !this.isActive); this.topOffset = offsetTop(this.isActive ? this.placeholder : this.$el); this.bottomOffset = this.topOffset + outerHeight; ['top', 'bottom'].forEach(function (prop) { this$1[prop] = this$1.$props[prop]; if (!this$1[prop]) { return; } if ($.isNumeric(this$1[prop])) { this$1[prop] = this$1[(prop + "Offset")] + parseFloat(this$1[prop]); } else { if (isString(this$1[prop]) && this$1[prop].match(/^-?\d+vh$/)) { this$1[prop] = window.innerHeight * parseFloat(this$1[prop]) / 100; } else { el = this$1[prop] === true ? this$1.$el.parent() : query(this$1[prop], this$1.$el); if (el) { this$1[prop] = offsetTop(el) + el[0].offsetHeight; } } } }); this.top = Math.max(parseFloat(this.top), this.topOffset) - this.offset; this.bottom = this.bottom && this.bottom - outerHeight; this.inactive = this.media && !window.matchMedia(this.media).matches; if (this.isActive) { this.update(); } }, events: ['load', 'resize'] }, { read: function read() { this.offsetTop = offsetTop(this.$el); this.scroll = window.pageYOffset; this.visible = this.$el.is(':visible'); }, write: function write(ref) { var this$1 = this; if ( ref === void 0 ) ref = {}; var dir = ref.dir; var scroll = this.scroll; if (scroll < 0 || !this.visible || this.disabled || this.showOnUp && !dir) { return; } if (this.inactive || scroll < this.top || this.showOnUp && (scroll <= this.top || dir ==='down' || dir === 'up' && !this.isActive && scroll <= this.bottomOffset) ) { if (!this.isActive) { return; } this.isActive = false; if (this.animation && scroll > this.topOffset) { Animation.cancel(this.$el).then(function () { return Animation.out(this$1.$el, this$1.animation).then(function () { return this$1.hide(); }, noop); }); } else { this.hide(); } } else if (this.isActive) { this.update(); } else if (this.animation) { Animation.cancel(this.$el).then(function () { this$1.show(); Animation.in(this$1.$el, this$1.animation).then(null, noop); }); } else { this.show(); } }, events: ['scroll'] } ], methods: { show: function show() { this.isActive = true; this.update(); this.placeholder.attr('hidden', null); }, hide: function hide() { if (!this.isActive || this.$hasClass(this.selTarget, this.clsActive)) { this.$el.trigger('inactive'); } this.$removeClass(this.clsFixed, this.clsBelow); this.$el.css({position: '', top: '', width: ''}); this.placeholder.attr('hidden', true); }, update: function update() { var this$1 = this; var top = Math.max(0, this.offset), active = this.scroll > this.top; if (this.bottom && this.scroll > this.bottom - this.offset) { top = this.bottom - this.scroll; } this.$el.css({ position: 'fixed', top: (top + "px"), width: this.width }); if (this.$hasClass(this.selTarget, this.clsActive)) { if (!active) { this.$el.trigger('inactive'); } } else { if (active) { this.$el.trigger('active'); } } this.$toggleClass(this.clsBelow, this.scroll > this.bottomOffset); if (this.showOnUp) { requestAnimationFrame(function () { return this$1.$addClass(this$1.clsFixed); }); } else { this.$addClass(this.clsFixed); } } } }); }; var svgs = {}; var parser = new DOMParser(); var Svg = function (UIkit) { UIkit.component('svg', { attrs: true, props: { id: String, icon: String, src: String, style: String, width: Number, height: Number, ratio: Number, 'class': String }, defaults: { ratio: 1, id: false, exclude: ['src'], 'class': '' }, init: function init() { this.class += ' uk-svg'; }, connected: function connected() { var this$1 = this; if (!this.icon && this.src && ~this.src.indexOf('#')) { var parts = this.src.split('#'); if (parts.length > 1) { this.src = parts[0]; this.icon = parts[1]; } } this.width = this.$props.width; this.height = this.$props.height; this.svg = this.getSvg().then(function (doc) { return promise(function (resolve, reject) { var svg, el; if (!doc) { reject('SVG not found.'); return; } if (!this$1.icon) { el = doc.documentElement.cloneNode(true); } else { svg = doc.getElementById(this$1.icon); if (!svg) { // fallback if SVG has no symbols if (!doc.querySelector('symbol')) { el = doc.documentElement.cloneNode(true); } } else { var html = svg.outerHTML; // IE workaround if (!html) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.appendChild(svg.cloneNode(true)); html = div.innerHTML; } html = html .replace(//g, 'svg>'); el = parser.parseFromString(html, 'image/svg+xml').documentElement; } } if (!el) { reject('SVG not found.'); return; } var dimensions = el.getAttribute('viewBox'); // jQuery workaround, el.attr('viewBox') if (dimensions) { dimensions = dimensions.split(' '); this$1.width = this$1.width || dimensions[2]; this$1.height = this$1.height || dimensions[3]; } this$1.width *= this$1.ratio; this$1.height *= this$1.ratio; for (var prop in this$1.$options.props) { if (this$1[prop] && !~this$1.exclude.indexOf(prop)) { el.setAttribute(prop, this$1[prop]); } } if (!this$1.id) { el.removeAttribute('id'); } if (this$1.width && !this$1.height) { el.removeAttribute('height'); } if (this$1.height && !this$1.width) { el.removeAttribute('width'); } var root = this$1.$el[0]; if (isVoidElement(root) || root.tagName === 'CANVAS') { this$1.$el.attr({hidden: true, id: null}); if (root.nextSibling) { if (el.isEqualNode(root.nextSibling)) { el = root.nextSibling; } else { root.parentNode.insertBefore(el, root.nextSibling); } } else { root.parentNode.appendChild(el); } } else { if (root.lastChild && el.isEqualNode(root.lastChild)) { el = root.lastChild; } else { root.appendChild(el); } } resolve(el); }); }); }, disconnected: function disconnected() { if (isVoidElement(this.$el)) { this.$el.attr({hidden: null, id: this.id || null}); } if (this.svg) { this.svg.then(function (svg) { return svg.parentNode && svg.parentNode.removeChild(svg); }, noop); this.svg = null; } }, methods: { getSvg: function getSvg() { var this$1 = this; if (!this.src) { return promise.reject(); } if (svgs[this.src]) { return svgs[this.src]; } svgs[this.src] = promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (this$1.src.lastIndexOf('data:', 0) === 0) { resolve(this$1.parse(decodeURIComponent(this$1.src.split(',')[1]))); } else { $.ajax(this$1.src, {dataType: 'html'}).then(function (doc) { resolve(this$1.parse(doc)); }, function () { reject('SVG not found.'); }); } }); return svgs[this.src]; }, parse: function parse(doc) { var parsed = parser.parseFromString(doc, 'image/svg+xml'); return parsed.documentElement && parsed.documentElement.nodeName === 'svg' ? parsed : null; } } }); }; var Switcher = function (UIkit) { UIkit.component('switcher', { mixins: [Togglable], args: 'connect', props: { connect: String, toggle: String, active: Number, swiping: Boolean }, defaults: { connect: false, toggle: ' > *', active: 0, swiping: true, cls: 'uk-active', clsContainer: 'uk-switcher', attrItem: 'uk-switcher-item', queued: true }, computed: { connects: function connects() { return query(this.connect, this.$el) || $__default(this.$el.next(("." + (this.clsContainer)))); }, toggles: function toggles() { return $__default(this.toggle, this.$el); } }, events: [ { name: 'click', delegate: function delegate() { return ((this.toggle) + ":not(.uk-disabled)"); }, handler: function handler(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.show(e.currentTarget); } }, { name: 'click', el: function el() { return this.connects; }, delegate: function delegate() { return ("[" + (this.attrItem) + "],[data-" + (this.attrItem) + "]"); }, handler: function handler(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.show($__default(e.currentTarget)[e.currentTarget.hasAttribute(this.attrItem) ? 'attr' : 'data'](this.attrItem)); } }, { name: 'swipeRight swipeLeft', filter: function filter() { return this.swiping; }, el: function el() { return this.connects; }, handler: function handler(e) { if (!isTouch(e)) { return; } e.preventDefault(); if (!window.getSelection().toString()) { this.show(e.type === 'swipeLeft' ? 'next' : 'previous'); } } } ], update: function update() { this.updateAria(this.connects.children()); this.show(toJQuery(this.toggles.filter(("." + (this.cls) + ":first"))) || toJQuery(this.toggles.eq(this.active)) || this.toggles.first()); }, methods: { show: function show(item) { var this$1 = this; var length = this.toggles.length, prev = this.connects.children(("." + (this.cls))).index(), hasPrev = prev >= 0, index = getIndex(item, this.toggles, prev), dir = item === 'previous' ? -1 : 1, toggle; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++, index = (index + dir + length) % length) { if (!this$1.toggles.eq(index).is('.uk-disabled, [disabled]')) { toggle = this$1.toggles.eq(index); break; } } if (!toggle || prev >= 0 && toggle.hasClass(this.cls) || prev === index) { return; } this.toggles.removeClass(this.cls).attr('aria-expanded', false); toggle.addClass(this.cls).attr('aria-expanded', true); if (!hasPrev) { this.toggleNow(this.connects.children((":nth-child(" + (index + 1) + ")"))); } else { this.toggleElement(this.connects.children((":nth-child(" + (prev + 1) + "),:nth-child(" + (index + 1) + ")"))); } } } }); }; var Tab = function (UIkit) { UIkit.component('tab', UIkit.components.switcher.extend({ mixins: [Class], name: 'tab', props: { media: 'media' }, defaults: { media: 960, attrItem: 'uk-tab-item' }, init: function init() { var cls = this.$hasClass('uk-tab-left') && 'uk-tab-left' || this.$hasClass('uk-tab-right') && 'uk-tab-right'; if (cls) { UIkit.toggle(this.$el, {cls: cls, mode: 'media', media: this.media}); } } })); }; var Toggle = function (UIkit) { UIkit.component('toggle', { mixins: [UIkit.mixin.togglable], args: 'target', props: { href: String, target: null, mode: 'list', media: 'media' }, defaults: { href: false, target: false, mode: 'click', queued: true, media: false }, computed: { target: function target() { return query(this.$props.target || this.href, this.$el) || this.$el; } }, events: [ { name: (pointerEnter + " " + pointerLeave), filter: function filter() { return ~this.mode.indexOf('hover'); }, handler: function handler(e) { if (!isTouch(e)) { this.toggle(("toggle" + (e.type === pointerEnter ? 'show' : 'hide'))); } } }, { name: 'click', filter: function filter() { return ~this.mode.indexOf('click') || hasTouch; }, handler: function handler(e) { if (!isTouch(e) && !~this.mode.indexOf('click')) { return; } // TODO better isToggled handling var link = $__default(e.target).closest('a[href]')[0]; if ($__default(e.target).closest('a[href="#"], button').length || link && ( this.cls || !this.target.is(':visible') || link.hash && this.target.is(link.hash) ) ) { e.preventDefault(); } this.toggle(); } } ], update: { write: function write() { if (!~this.mode.indexOf('media') || !this.media) { return; } var toggled = this.isToggled(this.target); if (window.matchMedia(this.media).matches ? !toggled : toggled) { this.toggle(); } }, events: ['load', 'resize'] }, methods: { toggle: function toggle(type) { if (!$trigger(this.target, type || 'toggle', [this], true).isDefaultPrevented()) { this.toggleElement(this.target); } } } }); }; var Leader = function (UIkit) { UIkit.component('leader', { mixins: [Class], props: { fill: String, media: 'media' }, defaults: { fill: '', media: false, clsWrapper: 'uk-leader-fill', clsHide: 'uk-leader-hide', attrFill: 'data-fill' }, computed: { fill: function fill() { return this.$props.fill || getCssVar('leader-fill'); } }, connected: function connected() { this.wrapper = this.$el.wrapInner(("")).children().first(); }, disconnected: function disconnected() { this.wrapper.contents().unwrap(); }, update: [ { read: function read() { var prev = this._width; this._width = Math.floor(this.$el[0].offsetWidth / 2); this._changed = prev !== this._width; this._hide = this.media && !window.matchMedia(this.media).matches; }, write: function write() { this.wrapper.toggleClass(this.clsHide, this._hide); if (this._changed) { this.wrapper.attr(this.attrFill, new Array(this._width).join(this.fill)); } }, events: ['load', 'resize'] } ] }); }; var Video = function (UIkit) { UIkit.component('video', { props: { automute: Boolean, autoplay: Boolean, }, defaults: {automute: false, autoplay: true}, computed: { el: function el() { return this.$el[0]; } }, ready: function ready() { this.player = new Player(this.el); if (this.automute) { this.player.mute(); } }, update: { write: function write() { if (!this.player || !this.autoplay) { return; } if (this.el.offsetHeight === 0 || this.$el.css('visibility') === 'hidden') { this.player.pause(); } else { this.player.play(); } }, events: ['load'] }, }); }; var core = function (UIkit) { var scroll = 0, started = 0; on(window, 'load resize', UIkit.update); on(window, 'scroll', function (e) { e.dir = scroll < window.pageYOffset ? 'down' : 'up'; scroll = window.pageYOffset; UIkit.update(e); fastdom.flush(); }); animationstart && on(document, animationstart, function (ref) { var target = ref.target; if ((getStyle(target, 'animationName') || '').match(/^uk-.*(left|right)/)) { started++; document.body.style.overflowX = 'hidden'; setTimeout(function () { if (!--started) { document.body.style.overflowX = ''; } }, toMs(getStyle(target, 'animationDuration')) + 100); } }, true); // core components UIkit.use(Toggle); UIkit.use(Accordion); UIkit.use(Alert); UIkit.use(Video); UIkit.use(Cover); UIkit.use(Drop); UIkit.use(Dropdown); UIkit.use(FormCustom); UIkit.use(HeightMatch); UIkit.use(HeightViewport); UIkit.use(Hover); UIkit.use(Margin); UIkit.use(Gif); UIkit.use(Grid); UIkit.use(Leader); UIkit.use(Modal$1); UIkit.use(Nav); UIkit.use(Navbar); UIkit.use(Offcanvas); UIkit.use(Responsive); UIkit.use(Scroll); UIkit.use(Scrollspy); UIkit.use(ScrollspyNav); UIkit.use(Sticky); UIkit.use(Svg); UIkit.use(Icon); UIkit.use(Switcher); UIkit.use(Tab); }; UIkit$2.version = '3.0.0-beta.30'; mixin(UIkit$2); core(UIkit$2); function plugin(UIkit) { if (plugin.installed) { return; } UIkit.component('countdown', { mixins: [UIkit.mixin.class], attrs: true, props: { date: String, clsWrapper: String }, defaults: { date: '', clsWrapper: '.uk-countdown-%unit%' }, computed: { date: function date() { return Date.parse(this.$props.date); }, days: function days() { return this.$el.find(this.clsWrapper.replace('%unit%', 'days')); }, hours: function hours() { return this.$el.find(this.clsWrapper.replace('%unit%', 'hours')); }, minutes: function minutes() { return this.$el.find(this.clsWrapper.replace('%unit%', 'minutes')); }, seconds: function seconds() { return this.$el.find(this.clsWrapper.replace('%unit%', 'seconds')); }, units: function units() { var this$1 = this; return ['days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'].filter(function (unit) { return this$1[unit].length; }); } }, connected: function connected() { this.start(); }, disconnected: function disconnected() { var this$1 = this; this.stop(); this.units.forEach(function (unit) { return this$1[unit].empty(); }); }, update: { write: function write() { var this$1 = this; var timespan = getTimeSpan(this.date); if (timespan.total <= 0) { this.stop(); timespan.days = timespan.hours = timespan.minutes = timespan.seconds = 0; } this.units.forEach(function (unit) { var digits = String(Math.floor(timespan[unit])); digits = digits.length < 2 ? ("0" + digits) : digits; if (this$1[unit].text() !== digits) { var el = this$1[unit]; digits = digits.split(''); if (digits.length !== el.children().length) { el.empty().append(digits.map(function () { return ''; }).join('')); } digits.forEach(function (digit, i) { return el[0].childNodes[i].innerText = digit; }); } }); } }, methods: { start: function start() { var this$1 = this; this.stop(); if (this.date && this.units.length) { this.$emit(); this.timer = setInterval(function () { return this$1.$emit(); }, 1000); } }, stop: function stop() { if (this.timer) { clearInterval(this.timer); this.timer = null; } } } }); function getTimeSpan(date) { var total = date - Date.now(); return { total: total, seconds: total / 1000 % 60, minutes: total / 1000 / 60 % 60, hours: total / 1000 / 60 / 60 % 24, days: total / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 }; } } if (!true && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.UIkit) { window.UIkit.use(plugin); } function plugin$2(UIkit) { if (plugin$2.installed) { return; } var ref = UIkit.util; var $$$1 = ref.$; var doc = ref.doc; var fastdom = ref.fastdom; var getIndex = ref.getIndex; var noop = ref.noop; var on = ref.on; var off = ref.off; var pointerDown = ref.pointerDown; var pointerMove = ref.pointerMove; var pointerUp = ref.pointerUp; var preventClick = ref.preventClick; var promise = ref.promise; var requestAnimationFrame = ref.requestAnimationFrame; var Transition = ref.Transition; UIkit.mixin.slideshow = { attrs: true, props: { autoplay: Number, animation: String, transition: String, duration: Number }, defaults: { autoplay: 0, animation: 'slide', transition: 'linear', duration: 400, index: 0, stack: [], threshold: 10, percent: 0, clsActive: 'uk-active' }, computed: { slides: function slides() { return this.list.children(("." + (this.clsItem))); }, forwardDuration: function forwardDuration() { return this.duration / 4; } }, init: function init() { var this$1 = this; ['start', 'move', 'end'].forEach(function (key) { var fn = this$1[key]; this$1[key] = function (e) { e = e.originalEvent || e; this$1.prevPos = this$1.pos; this$1.pos = (e.touches && e.touches[0] || e).pageX; fn(e); }; }); }, connected: function connected() { this.startAutoplay(); }, events: [ { name: 'click', delegate: function delegate() { return ("[" + (this.attrItem) + "]"); }, handler: function handler(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.show($$$1(e.currentTarget).blur().attr(this.attrItem)); } }, { name: pointerDown, delegate: function delegate() { return ("." + (this.clsItem)); }, handler: 'start' }, { name: pointerDown, handler: 'stopAutoplay' }, { name: 'mouseenter', filter: function filter() { return this.autoplay; }, handler: function handler() { this.isHovering = true; } }, { name: 'mouseleave', filter: function filter() { return this.autoplay; }, handler: function handler() { this.isHovering = false; } } ], methods: { start: function start(e) { if (e.button && e.button !== 0 || this.slides.length < 2) { return; } e.preventDefault(); var percent = 0; if (this.stack.length) { this.percent = this._animation.percent(); var dir = this._animation.dir; percent = this.percent * dir; this.stack.splice(0, this.stack.length); this._animation.cancel(); this._animation.translate(Math.abs(percent)); this.index = this.getIndex(this.index - dir); this.touching = true; } on(doc, pointerMove, this.move, true); on(doc, pointerUp, this.end, true); var el = this.slides.eq(this.index); this.touch = { el: el, start: this.pos + (percent ? el.outerWidth() * percent : 0) }; }, move: function move(e) { var this$1 = this; e.preventDefault(); var ref = this.touch; var start = ref.start; var el = ref.el; if (this.pos === this.prevPos || (!this.touching && Math.abs(start - this.pos) < this.threshold)) { return; } this.touching = true; var percent = (this.pos - start) / el.outerWidth(); if (this.percent === percent) { return; } var changed = trunc(this.percent) !== trunc(percent), index = this.getIndex(this.index - trunc(percent)), current = this.slides.eq(index), dir = percent < 0 ? 1 : -1, nextIndex = getIndex(percent < 0 ? 'next' : 'previous', this.slides, index), next = this.slides.eq(nextIndex); this.slides.each(function (i, el) { return this$1.$toggleClass(el, this$1.clsActive, i === index || i === nextIndex); }); if (changed && this._animation) { this._animation.reset(); } this._animation = new Transitioner(this.animation, this.transition, current, next, dir, noop); this._animation.translate(Math.abs(percent % 1)); this.percent = percent; UIkit.update(null, current); UIkit.update(null, next); }, end: function end(e) { e.preventDefault(); off(doc, pointerMove, this.move, true); off(doc, pointerUp, this.end, true); if (this.touching) { var percent = this.percent; this.percent = Math.abs(this.percent) % 1; this.index = this.getIndex(this.index - trunc(percent)); if (this.percent < 0.2) { this.index = this.getIndex(percent > 0 ? 'previous' : 'next'); this.percent = 1 - this.percent; percent *= -1; } this.show(percent > 0 ? 'previous': 'next', true); preventClick(); } this.pos = this.prevPos = this.touch = this.touching = this.percent = null; }, show: function show(index, force) { var this$1 = this; if ( force === void 0 ) force = false; if (!force && this.touch) { return; } this.stack[force ? 'unshift' : 'push'](index); if (!force && this.stack.length > 1) { if (this.stack.length === 2) { this._animation.forward(this.forwardDuration); } return; } var hasPrev = this.slides.hasClass('uk-active'), dir = index === 'next' ? 1 : index === 'previous' ? -1 : index < this.index ? -1 : 1; index = this.getIndex(index); if (hasPrev && index === this.index) { this.stack[force ? 'shift' : 'pop'](); return; } var prev = hasPrev && this.slides.eq(this.index), next = this.slides.eq(index); this.$el.trigger('beforeitemshow', [this, next]); prev && this.$el.trigger('beforeitemhide', [this, prev]); this.index = index; this.$addClass(next, this.clsActive); this._animation = new Transitioner(!prev ? 'scale' : this.animation, this.transition, prev || next, next, dir, function () { prev && this$1.$removeClass(prev, this$1.clsActive); this$1.stack.shift(); if (this$1.stack.length) { requestAnimationFrame(function () { return this$1.show(this$1.stack.shift(), true); }); } else { this$1._animation = null; } this$1.$el.trigger('itemshown', [this$1, next]); UIkit.update(null, next); if (prev) { this$1.$el.trigger('itemhidden', [this$1, prev]); UIkit.update(null, prev); } }); this._animation.show(this.stack.length > 1 ? this.forwardDuration : this.duration, this.percent); this.$el.trigger('itemshow', [this, next]); if (prev) { this.$el.trigger('itemhide', [this, prev]); UIkit.update(null, prev); } UIkit.update(null, next); fastdom.flush(); // iOS 10+ will honor the video.play only if called from a gesture handler }, getIndex: function getIndex$1(index) { if ( index === void 0 ) index = this.index; return getIndex(index, this.slides, this.index); }, startAutoplay: function startAutoplay() { var this$1 = this; this.stopAutoplay(); if (this.autoplay) { this.interval = setInterval(function () {!this$1.isHovering && this$1.show('next');}, this.autoplay); } }, stopAutoplay: function stopAutoplay() { if (this.interval) { clearInterval(this.interval); } } } }; var diff = 0.2; var Animations = { fade: { show: function show() { return [ {opacity: 0}, {opacity: 1} ]; }, percent: function percent(current) { return 1 - current.css('opacity'); }, translate: function translate(percent) { return [ {opacity: 1 - percent}, {opacity: percent} ]; } }, slide: { show: function show(dir) { return [ {transform: ("translate3d(" + (dir * -100) + "%, 0, 0)")}, {transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'} ]; }, percent: function percent(current) { return Math.abs(current.css('transform').split(',')[4] / current.outerWidth()); }, translate: function translate(percent, dir) { return [ {transform: ("translate3d(" + (dir * -100 * percent) + "%, 0, 0)")}, {transform: ("translate3d(" + (dir * 100 * (1 - percent)) + "%, 0, 0)")} ]; } }, scale: { show: function show() { return [ {opacity: 0, transform: ("scale3d(" + (1 - diff) + ", " + (1 - diff) + ", 1)")}, {opacity: 1, transform: 'scale3d(1, 1, 1)'} ]; }, percent: function percent(current) { return 1 - current.css('opacity'); }, translate: function translate(percent) { var scale1 = 1 - diff * percent, scale2 = 1 - diff + diff * percent; return [ {opacity: 1 - percent, transform: ("scale3d(" + scale1 + ", " + scale1 + ", 1)")}, {opacity: percent, transform: ("scale3d(" + scale2 + ", " + scale2 + ", 1)")} ]; } }, swipe: { show: function show(dir) { if (dir < 0) { return [ {opacity: 1, transform: "translate3d(100%, 0, 0)", zIndex: 0}, {opacity: 1, transform: "scale3d(1, 1, 1) translate3d(0, 0, 0)", zIndex: -1} ]; } else { return [ {opacity: 0.3, transform: ("scale3d(" + (1 - diff) + ", " + (1 - diff) + ", 1) translate3d(-20%, 0, 0)"), zIndex: -1}, {opacity: 1, transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', zIndex: 0} ]; } }, percent: function percent(current, next, dir) { var el = dir < 0 ? current : next, percent = Math.abs(el.css('transform').split(',')[4] / el.outerWidth()); return dir < 0 ? percent : 1 - percent; }, translate: function translate(percent, dir) { var scale; if (dir < 0) { scale = 1 - diff * (1 - percent); return [ {opacity: 1, transform: ("translate3d(" + (100 * percent) + "%, 0, 0)"), zIndex: 0}, {opacity: 0.3 + 0.7 * percent, transform: ("scale3d(" + scale + ", " + scale + ", 1) translate3d(" + (-20 * (1 - percent)) + "%, 0, 0)"), zIndex: -1} ]; } else { scale = 1 - diff * percent; return [ {opacity: 1 - 0.7 * percent, transform: ("scale3d(" + scale + ", " + scale + ", 1) translate3d(" + (-20 * percent) + "%, 0, 0)"), zIndex: -1}, {opacity: 1, transform: ("translate3d(" + (100 * (1 - percent)) + "%, 0, 0)"), zIndex: 0} ]; } } }, }; function Transitioner (animation, transition, current, next, dir, cb) { animation = animation in Animations ? Animations[animation] : Animations.slide; var props = animation.show(dir); return { dir: dir, current: current, next: next, show: function show(duration, percent) { var this$1 = this; if ( percent === void 0 ) percent = 0; duration -= Math.round(duration * percent); this.translate(percent); return promise.all([ Transition.start(current, props[0], duration, transition), Transition.start(next, props[1], duration, transition) ]).then(function () { this$1.reset(); cb(); }, noop); }, stop: function stop() { return promise.all([ Transition.stop(next), Transition.stop(current) ]); }, cancel: function cancel() { return promise.all([ Transition.cancel(next), Transition.cancel(current) ]); }, reset: function reset() { for (var prop in props[0]) { $$$1([next[0], current[0]]).css(prop, ''); } }, forward: function forward(duration) { var this$1 = this; var percent = this.percent(); return promise.all([ Transition.cancel(next), Transition.cancel(current) ]).then(function () { return this$1.show(duration, percent); }); }, translate: function translate(percent) { var props = animation.translate(percent, dir); current.css(props[0]); next.css(props[1]); }, percent: function percent() { return animation.percent(current, next, dir); } } } // polyfill for Math.trunc (IE) function trunc(x) { return ~~x; } } function plugin$1(UIkit) { if (plugin$1.installed) { return; } UIkit.use(plugin$2); var mixin = UIkit.mixin; var util = UIkit.util; var $$$1 = util.$; var $trigger = util.$trigger; var Animation = util.Animation; var ajax$$1 = util.ajax; var assign = util.assign; var doc = util.doc; var docElement = util.docElement; var getData = util.getData; var getImage = util.getImage; var pointerDown = util.pointerDown; var pointerMove = util.pointerMove; var Transition = util.Transition; UIkit.component('lightbox', { attrs: true, props: { animation: String, toggle: String }, defaults: { animation: undefined, toggle: 'a' }, computed: { toggles: function toggles() { var this$1 = this; var toggles = $$$1(this.toggle, this.$el); this._changed = !this._toggles || toggles.length !== this._toggles.length || toggles.toArray().some(function (el, i) { return el !== this$1._toggles.get(i); }); return this._toggles = toggles; } }, disconnected: function disconnected() { if (this.panel) { this.panel.$destroy(true); this.panel = null; } }, events: [ { name: 'click', delegate: function delegate() { return ((this.toggle) + ":not(.uk-disabled)"); }, handler: function handler(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.show(this.toggles.index($$$1(e.currentTarget).blur())); } } ], update: function update() { if (this.panel && this.animation) { this.panel.$props.animation = this.animation; this.panel.$emit(); } if (!this.toggles.length || !this._changed || !this.panel) { return; } this.panel.$destroy(true); this._init(); }, methods: { _init: function _init() { return this.panel = this.panel || UIkit.lightboxPanel({ animation: this.animation, items: this.toggles.toArray().reduce(function (items, el) { items.push(['href', 'caption', 'type'].reduce(function (obj, attr) { obj[attr === 'href' ? 'source' : attr] = getData(el, attr); return obj; }, {})); return items; }, []) }); }, show: function show(index) { if (!this.panel) { this._init(); } return this.panel.show(index); }, hide: function hide() { return this.panel && this.panel.hide(); } } }); UIkit.component('lightbox-panel', { mixins: [mixin.togglable, mixin.slideshow], functional: true, defaults: { preload: 1, delayControls: 3000, items: [], cls: 'uk-open', clsPage: 'uk-lightbox-page', clsItem: 'uk-lightbox-item', attrItem: 'uk-lightbox-item', template: "
" }, computed: { container: function container() { return $$$1(this.$props.container === true && UIkit.container || this.$props.container || UIkit.container); } }, created: function created() { var this$1 = this; this.$mount($$$1(this.template).appendTo(this.container)[0]); this.list = this.$el.find('.uk-lightbox-items'); this.toolbars = this.$el.find('.uk-lightbox-toolbar'); this.nav = this.$el.find('a[uk-lightbox-item]'); this.caption = this.$el.find('.uk-lightbox-caption'); this.items.forEach(function (el, i) { return this$1.list.append(("
  • ")); }); }, events: [ { name: (pointerMove + " " + pointerDown + " keydown"), handler: 'showControls' }, { name: 'click', self: true, handler: function handler(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.hide(); } }, { name: 'click', self: true, delegate: function delegate() { return ("." + (this.clsItem)); }, handler: function handler(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.hide(); } }, { name: 'show', self: true, handler: function handler() { this.$addClass(docElement, this.clsPage); } }, { name: 'shown', self: true, handler: function handler() { this.$addClass(this.caption, 'uk-animation-slide-bottom'); this.toolbars.attr('hidden', true); this.nav.attr('hidden', true); this.showControls(); } }, { name: 'hide', self: true, handler: function handler() { this.$removeClass(this.caption, 'uk-animation-slide-bottom'); this.toolbars.attr('hidden', true); this.nav.attr('hidden', true); } }, { name: 'hidden', self: true, handler: function handler() { this.$removeClass(docElement, this.clsPage); } }, { name: 'keydown', el: function el() { return doc; }, handler: function handler(e) { if (!this.isToggled(this.$el)) { return; } switch (e.keyCode) { case 27: this.hide(); break; case 37: this.show('previous'); break; case 39: this.show('next'); break; } } }, { name: 'toggle', handler: function handler(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.toggle(); } }, { name: 'beforeitemshow', self: true, handler: function handler() { if (!this.isToggled()) { this.toggleNow(this.$el, true); } } }, { name: 'itemshow', self: true, handler: function handler() { var this$1 = this; var caption = this.getItem().caption; this.caption.toggle(!!caption).html(caption); for (var i = 0; i <= this.preload; i++) { this$1.loadItem(this$1.getIndex(this$1.index + i)); this$1.loadItem(this$1.getIndex(this$1.index - i)); } } }, { name: 'itemload', handler: function handler(_, item) { var this$1 = this; var source = item.source; var type = item.type; var matches; this.setItem(item, ''); if (!source) { return; } // Image if (type === 'image' || source.match(/\.(jp(e)?g|png|gif|svg)$/i)) { getImage(source).then( function (img) { return this$1.setItem(item, ("")); }, function () { return this$1.setError(item); } ); // Video } else if (type === 'video' || source.match(/\.(mp4|webm|ogv)$/i)) { var video = $$$1('') .on('loadedmetadata', function () { return this$1.setItem(item, video.attr({width: video[0].videoWidth, height: video[0].videoHeight})); }) .on('error', function () { return this$1.setError(item); }) .attr('src', source); // Iframe } else if (type === 'iframe') { this.setItem(item, ("")); // Youtube } else if (matches = source.match(/\/\/.*?youtube\.[a-z]+\/watch\?v=([^&\s]+)/) || source.match(/youtu\.be\/(.*)/)) { var id = matches[1], setIframe = function (width, height) { if ( width === void 0 ) width = 640; if ( height === void 0 ) height = 450; return this$1.setItem(item, getIframe(("//www.youtube.com/embed/" + id), width, height)); }; getImage(("//img.youtube.com/vi/" + id + "/maxresdefault.jpg")).then( function (img) { //youtube default 404 thumb, fall back to lowres if (img.width === 120 && img.height === 90) { getImage(("//img.youtube.com/vi/" + id + "/0.jpg")).then( function (img) { return setIframe(img.width, img.height); }, setIframe ); } else { setIframe(img.width, img.height); } }, setIframe ); // Vimeo } else if (matches = source.match(/(\/\/.*?)vimeo\.[a-z]+\/([0-9]+).*?/)) { ajax$$1({type: 'GET', url: ("//vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=" + (encodeURI(source))), jsonp: 'callback', dataType: 'jsonp'}) .then(function (ref) { var height = ref.height; var width = ref.width; return this$1.setItem(item, getIframe(("//player.vimeo.com/video/" + (matches[2])), width, height)); }); } else { return; } return true; } } ], methods: { toggle: function toggle() { return this.isToggled() ? this.hide() : this.show(); }, hide: function hide() { if (this.isToggled()) { this.toggleNow(this.$el, false); } this.slides .removeClass(this.clsActive) .each(function (_, el) { return Transition.stop(el); }); delete this.index; delete this.percent; delete this._animation; }, loadItem: function loadItem(index) { if ( index === void 0 ) index = this.index; var item = this.getItem(index); if (item.content) { return; } if (!$trigger(this.$el, 'itemload', [item], true).result) { this.setError(item); } }, getItem: function getItem(index) { if ( index === void 0 ) index = this.index; return this.items[index] || {}; }, setItem: function setItem(item, content) { assign(item, {content: content}); var el = this.slides.eq(this.items.indexOf(item)).html(content); this.$el.trigger('itemloaded', [this, el]); UIkit.update(null, el); }, setError: function setError(item) { this.setItem(item, ''); }, showControls: function showControls() { clearTimeout(this.controlsTimer); this.controlsTimer = setTimeout(this.hideControls, this.delayControls); if (!this.toolbars.attr('hidden')) { return; } animate(this.toolbars.eq(0), 'uk-animation-slide-top'); animate(this.toolbars.eq(1), 'uk-animation-slide-bottom'); this.nav.attr('hidden', this.items.length <= 1); if (this.items.length > 1) { animate(this.nav, 'uk-animation-fade'); } }, hideControls: function hideControls() { if (this.toolbars.attr('hidden')) { return; } animate(this.toolbars.eq(0), 'uk-animation-slide-top', 'out'); animate(this.toolbars.eq(1), 'uk-animation-slide-bottom', 'out'); if (this.items.length > 1) { animate(this.nav, 'uk-animation-fade', 'out'); } } } }); function animate(el, animation, dir) { if ( dir === void 0 ) dir = 'in'; el.each(function (i) { return Animation[dir](el.eq(i).attr('hidden', false), animation).then(function () { dir === 'out' && el.eq(i).attr('hidden', true);}); }); } function getIframe(src, width, height) { return (""); } } if (!true && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.UIkit) { window.UIkit.use(plugin$1); } function plugin$3(UIkit) { if (plugin$3.installed) { return; } var ref = UIkit.util; var $$$1 = ref.$; var each$$1 = ref.each; var pointerEnter = ref.pointerEnter; var pointerLeave = ref.pointerLeave; var Transition = ref.Transition; var containers = {}; UIkit.component('notification', { functional: true, args: ['message', 'status'], defaults: { message: '', status: '', timeout: 5000, group: null, pos: 'top-center', onClose: null, clsClose: 'uk-notification-close', clsMsg: 'uk-notification-message' }, created: function created() { if (!containers[this.pos]) { containers[this.pos] = $$$1(("
    ")).appendTo(UIkit.container); } this.$mount($$$1( ("
    " + (this.message) + "
    ") ).appendTo(containers[this.pos].show())[0]); }, ready: function ready() { var this$1 = this; var marginBottom = parseInt(this.$el.css('margin-bottom'), 10); Transition.start( this.$el.css({opacity: 0, marginTop: -1 * this.$el.outerHeight(), marginBottom: 0}), {opacity: 1, marginTop: 0, marginBottom: marginBottom} ).then(function () { if (this$1.timeout) { this$1.timer = setTimeout(this$1.close, this$1.timeout); } }); }, events: ( obj = { click: function click(e) { if ($$$1(e.target).closest('a[href="#"]').length) { e.preventDefault(); } this.close(); } }, obj[pointerEnter] = function () { if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); } }, obj[pointerLeave] = function () { if (this.timeout) { this.timer = setTimeout(this.close, this.timeout); } }, obj ), methods: { close: function close(immediate) { var this$1 = this; var remove = function () { this$1.onClose && this$1.onClose(); this$1.$el.trigger('close', [this$1]).remove(); if (!containers[this$1.pos].children().length) { containers[this$1.pos].hide(); } }; if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); } if (immediate) { remove(); } else { Transition.start(this.$el, {opacity: 0, marginTop: -1 * this.$el.outerHeight(), marginBottom: 0}).then(remove); } } } }); var obj; UIkit.notification.closeAll = function (group, immediate) { each$$1(UIkit.instances, function (_, component) { if (component.$options.name === 'notification' && (!group || group === component.group)) { component.close(immediate); } }); }; } if (!true && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.UIkit) { window.UIkit.use(plugin$3); } function plugin$4(UIkit) { if (plugin$4.installed) { return; } var mixin = UIkit.mixin; var util = UIkit.util; var $$$1 = util.$; var assign = util.assign; var doc = util.docElement; var docHeight = util.docHeight; var fastdom = util.fastdom; var getDimensions = util.getDimensions; var isWithin = util.isWithin; var offset = util.offset; var offsetTop = util.offsetTop; var pointerDown = util.pointerDown; var pointerMove = util.pointerMove; var pointerUp = util.pointerUp; var preventClick = util.preventClick; var promise = util.promise; var win = util.win; UIkit.component('sortable', { mixins: [mixin.class], props: { group: String, animation: Number, threshold: Number, clsItem: String, clsPlaceholder: String, clsDrag: String, clsDragState: String, clsBase: String, clsNoDrag: String, clsEmpty: String, clsCustom: String, handle: String }, defaults: { group: false, animation: 150, threshold: 5, clsItem: 'uk-sortable-item', clsPlaceholder: 'uk-sortable-placeholder', clsDrag: 'uk-sortable-drag', clsDragState: 'uk-drag', clsBase: 'uk-sortable', clsNoDrag: 'uk-sortable-nodrag', clsEmpty: 'uk-sortable-empty', clsCustom: '', handle: false }, init: function init() { var this$1 = this; ['init', 'start', 'move', 'end'].forEach(function (key) { var fn = this$1[key]; this$1[key] = function (e) { e = e.originalEvent || e; this$1.scrollY = window.scrollY; var ref = e.touches && e.touches[0] || e; var x = ref.pageX; var y = ref.pageY; this$1.pos = {x: x, y: y}; fn(e); }; }); }, events: ( obj = {}, obj[pointerDown] = 'init', obj ), update: { write: function write() { var this$1 = this; if (this.clsEmpty) { this.$toggleClass(this.clsEmpty, !this.$el.children().length); } if (!this.drag) { return; } offset(this.drag, {top: this.pos.y + this.origin.top, left: this.pos.x + this.origin.left}); var top = offsetTop(this.drag), bottom = top + this.drag[0].offsetHeight; if (top > 0 && top < this.scrollY) { setTimeout(function () { return win.scrollTop(this$1.scrollY - 5); }, 5); } else if (bottom < docHeight() && bottom > window.innerHeight + this.scrollY) { setTimeout(function () { return win.scrollTop(this$1.scrollY + 5); }, 5); } } }, methods: { init: function init(e) { var target = $$$1(e.target), placeholder = this.$el.children().filter(function (i, el) { return isWithin(e.target, el); }); if (!placeholder.length || target.is(':input') || this.handle && !isWithin(target, this.handle) || e.button && e.button !== 0 || isWithin(target, ("." + (this.clsNoDrag))) || e.defaultPrevented ) { return; } e.preventDefault(); this.touched = [this]; this.placeholder = placeholder; this.origin = assign({target: target, index: this.placeholder.index()}, this.pos); doc.on(pointerMove, this.move); doc.on(pointerUp, this.end); win.on('scroll', this.scroll); if (!this.threshold) { this.start(e); } }, start: function start(e) { this.drag = $$$1(this.placeholder[0].outerHTML.replace(/^
  • $/i, 'div>')) .attr('uk-no-boot', '') .addClass(((this.clsDrag) + " " + (this.clsCustom))) .css({ boxSizing: 'border-box', width: this.placeholder.outerWidth(), height: this.placeholder.outerHeight() }) .css(this.placeholder.css(['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'paddingTop', 'paddingBottom'])) .appendTo(UIkit.container); this.drag.children().first().height(this.placeholder.children().height()); var ref = getDimensions(this.placeholder); var left = ref.left; var top = ref.top; assign(this.origin, {left: left - this.pos.x, top: top - this.pos.y}); this.placeholder.addClass(this.clsPlaceholder); this.$el.children().addClass(this.clsItem); doc.addClass(this.clsDragState); this.$el.trigger('start', [this, this.placeholder, this.drag]); this.move(e); }, move: function move(e) { if (!this.drag) { if (Math.abs(this.pos.x - this.origin.x) > this.threshold || Math.abs(this.pos.y - this.origin.y) > this.threshold) { this.start(e); } return; } this.$emit(); var target = e.type === 'mousemove' ? e.target : document.elementFromPoint(this.pos.x - document.body.scrollLeft, this.pos.y - document.body.scrollTop), sortable = getSortable(target), previous = getSortable(this.placeholder[0]), move = sortable !== previous; if (!sortable || isWithin(target, this.placeholder) || move && (!sortable.group || sortable.group !== previous.group)) { return; } target = sortable.$el.is(target.parentNode) && $$$1(target) || sortable.$el.children().has(target); if (move) { previous.remove(this.placeholder); } else if (!target.length) { return; } sortable.insert(this.placeholder, target); if (!~this.touched.indexOf(sortable)) { this.touched.push(sortable); } }, scroll: function scroll() { var scroll = window.scrollY; if (scroll !== this.scrollY) { this.pos.y += scroll - this.scrollY; this.scrollY = scroll; this.$emit(); } }, end: function end(e) { doc.off(pointerMove, this.move); doc.off(pointerUp, this.end); win.off('scroll', this.scroll); if (!this.drag) { if (e.type !== 'mouseup' && isWithin(e.target, 'a[href]')) { location.href = $$$1(e.target).closest('a[href]').attr('href'); } return; } preventClick(); var sortable = getSortable(this.placeholder[0]); if (this === sortable) { if (this.origin.index !== this.placeholder.index()) { this.$el.trigger('change', [this, this.placeholder, 'moved']); } } else { sortable.$el.trigger('change', [sortable, this.placeholder, 'added']); this.$el.trigger('change', [this, this.placeholder, 'removed']); } this.$el.trigger('stop', [this]); this.drag.remove(); this.drag = null; var classes = this.touched.map(function (sortable) { return ((sortable.clsPlaceholder) + " " + (sortable.clsItem)); }).join(' '); this.touched.forEach(function (sortable) { return sortable.$el.children().removeClass(classes); }); doc.removeClass(this.clsDragState); }, insert: function insert(element, target) { var this$1 = this; this.$el.children().addClass(this.clsItem); var insert = function () { if (target.length) { if (!this$1.$el.has(element).length || element.prevAll().filter(target).length) { element.insertBefore(target); } else { element.insertAfter(target); } } else { this$1.$el.append(element); } }; if (this.animation) { this.animate(insert); } else { insert(); } }, remove: function remove(element) { if (!this.$el.has(element).length) { return; } if (this.animation) { this.animate(function () { return element.detach(); }); } else { element.detach(); } }, animate: function animate(action) { var this$1 = this; var props = [], children = this.$el.children().toArray().map(function (el) { el = $$$1(el); props.push(assign({ position: 'absolute', pointerEvents: 'none', width: el.outerWidth(), height: el.outerHeight() }, el.position())); return el; }), reset = {position: '', width: '', height: '', pointerEvents: '', top: '', left: ''}; action(); children.forEach(function (el) { return el.stop(); }); this.$el.children().css(reset); this.$update('update', true); fastdom.flush(); this.$el.css('min-height', this.$el.height()); var positions = children.map(function (el) { return el.position(); }); promise.all(children.map(function (el, i) { return el.css(props[i]).animate(positions[i], this$1.animation).promise(); })) .then(function () { this$1.$el.css('min-height', '').children().css(reset); this$1.$update('update', true); fastdom.flush(); }); } } }); var obj; function getSortable(element) { return UIkit.getComponent(element, 'sortable') || element.parentNode && getSortable(element.parentNode); } } if (!true && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.UIkit) { window.UIkit.use(plugin$4); } function plugin$5(UIkit) { if (plugin$5.installed) { return; } var util = UIkit.util; var mixin = UIkit.mixin; var $$$1 = util.$; var doc = util.doc; var fastdom = util.fastdom; var flipPosition = util.flipPosition; var isTouch = util.isTouch; var isWithin = util.isWithin; var pointerDown = util.pointerDown; var pointerEnter = util.pointerEnter; var pointerLeave = util.pointerLeave; var actives = []; UIkit.component('tooltip', { attrs: true, mixins: [mixin.togglable, mixin.position], props: { delay: Number, container: Boolean, title: String }, defaults: { pos: 'top', title: '', delay: 0, animation: ['uk-animation-scale-up'], duration: 100, cls: 'uk-active', clsPos: 'uk-tooltip', container: true, }, computed: { container: function container() { return $$$1(this.$props.container === true && UIkit.container || this.$props.container || UIkit.container); } }, connected: function connected() { var this$1 = this; fastdom.mutate(function () { return this$1.$el.removeAttr('title').attr('aria-expanded', false); }); }, disconnected: function disconnected() { this.hide(); }, methods: { show: function show() { var this$1 = this; if (~actives.indexOf(this)) { return; } actives.forEach(function (active) { return active.hide(); }); actives.push(this); doc.on(("click." + (this.$options.name)), function (e) { if (!isWithin(e.target, this$1.$el)) { this$1.hide(); } }); clearTimeout(this.showTimer); this.tooltip = $$$1(("
    " + (this.title) + "
    ")).appendTo(this.container); this.$el.attr('aria-expanded', true); this.positionAt(this.tooltip, this.$el); this.origin = this.getAxis() === 'y' ? ((flipPosition(this.dir)) + "-" + (this.align)) : ((this.align) + "-" + (flipPosition(this.dir))); this.showTimer = setTimeout(function () { this$1.toggleElement(this$1.tooltip, true); this$1.hideTimer = setInterval(function () { if (!this$1.$el.is(':visible')) { this$1.hide(); } }, 150); }, this.delay); }, hide: function hide() { var index = actives.indexOf(this); if (!~index || this.$el.is('input') && this.$el[0] === document.activeElement) { return; } actives.splice(index, 1); clearTimeout(this.showTimer); clearInterval(this.hideTimer); this.$el.attr('aria-expanded', false); this.toggleElement(this.tooltip, false); this.tooltip && this.tooltip.remove(); this.tooltip = false; doc.off(("click." + (this.$options.name))); } }, events: ( obj = { 'blur': 'hide' }, obj[("focus " + pointerEnter + " " + pointerDown)] = function (e) { if (e.type !== pointerDown || !isTouch(e)) { this.show(); } }, obj[pointerLeave] = function (e) { if (!isTouch(e)) { this.hide(); } }, obj ) }); var obj; } if (!true && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.UIkit) { window.UIkit.use(plugin$5); } function plugin$6(UIkit) { if (plugin$6.installed) { return; } var ref = UIkit.util; var $$$1 = ref.$; var ajax$$1 = ref.ajax; var on = ref.on; UIkit.component('upload', { props: { allow: String, clsDragover: String, concurrent: Number, dataType: String, mime: String, msgInvalidMime: String, msgInvalidName: String, multiple: Boolean, name: String, params: Object, type: String, url: String }, defaults: { allow: false, clsDragover: 'uk-dragover', concurrent: 1, dataType: undefined, mime: false, msgInvalidMime: 'Invalid File Type: %s', msgInvalidName: 'Invalid File Name: %s', multiple: false, name: 'files[]', params: {}, type: 'POST', url: '', abort: null, beforeAll: null, beforeSend: null, complete: null, completeAll: null, error: null, fail: function fail(msg) { alert(msg); }, load: null, loadEnd: null, loadStart: null, progress: null }, events: { change: function change(e) { if (!$$$1(e.target).is('input[type="file"]')) { return; } e.preventDefault(); if (e.target.files) { this.upload(e.target.files); } e.target.value = ''; }, drop: function drop(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var transfer = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; if (!transfer || !transfer.files) { return; } this.$removeClass(this.clsDragover); this.upload(transfer.files); }, dragenter: function dragenter(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, dragover: function dragover(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.$addClass(this.clsDragover); }, dragleave: function dragleave(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.$removeClass(this.clsDragover); } }, methods: { upload: function upload(files) { var this$1 = this; if (!files.length) { return; } this.$el.trigger('upload', [files]); for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (this$1.allow) { if (!match(this$1.allow, files[i].name)) { this$1.fail(this$1.msgInvalidName.replace(/%s/, this$1.allow)); return; } } if (this$1.mime) { if (!match(this$1.mime, files[i].type)) { this$1.fail(this$1.msgInvalidMime.replace(/%s/, this$1.mime)); return; } } } if (!this.multiple) { files = [files[0]]; } this.beforeAll && this.beforeAll(this, files); var chunks = chunk(files, this.concurrent), upload = function (files) { var data = new FormData(); files.forEach(function (file) { return data.append(this$1.name, file); }); for (var key in this$1.params) { data.append(key, this$1.params[key]); } ajax$$1({ data: data, url: this$1.url, type: this$1.type, dataType: this$1.dataType, beforeSend: this$1.beforeSend, complete: [this$1.complete, function (xhr, status) { if (chunks.length) { upload(chunks.shift()); } else { this$1.completeAll && this$1.completeAll(xhr); } if (status === 'abort') { this$1.abort && this$1.abort(xhr); } }], cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, xhr: function () { var xhr = $$$1.ajaxSettings.xhr(); xhr.upload && this$1.progress && on(xhr.upload, 'progress', this$1.progress); ['loadStart', 'load', 'loadEnd', 'error', 'abort'].forEach(function (type) { return this$1[type] && on(xhr, type.toLowerCase(), this$1[type]); }); return xhr; } }); }; upload(chunks.shift()); } } }); function match(pattern, path) { return path.match(new RegExp(("^" + (pattern.replace(/\//g, '\\/').replace(/\*\*/g, '(\\/[^\\/]+)*').replace(/\*/g, '[^\\/]+').replace(/((?!\\))\?/g, '$1.')) + "$"), 'i')); } function chunk(files, size) { var chunks = []; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i += size) { var chunk = []; for (var j = 0; j < size; j++) { chunk.push(files[i+j]); } chunks.push(chunk); } return chunks; } } if (!true && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.UIkit) { window.UIkit.use(plugin$6); } function plugin$7(UIkit) { if (plugin$7.installed) { return; } var ref = UIkit.util; var scrolledOver = ref.scrolledOver; UIkit.component('grid-parallax', UIkit.components.grid.extend({ props: { target: String, translate: Number }, defaults: { target: false, translate: 150 }, init: function init() { this.$addClass('uk-grid'); }, disconnected: function disconnected() { this.reset(); this.$el.css('margin-bottom', ''); }, computed: { translate: function translate() { return Math.abs(this.$props.translate); }, items: function items() { return (this.target ? this.$el.find(this.target) : this.$el.children()).toArray(); } }, update: [ { read: function read() { this.columns = this.rows && this.rows[0] && this.rows[0].length || 0; this.rows = this.rows && this.rows.map(function (elements) { return sortBy(elements, 'offsetLeft'); }); }, write: function write() { this.$el .css('margin-bottom', '') .css('margin-bottom', this.columns > 1 ? this.translate + parseFloat(this.$el.css('margin-bottom')) : ''); }, events: ['load', 'resize'] }, { read: function read() { this.scrolled = scrolledOver(this.$el) * this.translate; }, write: function write() { var this$1 = this; if (!this.rows || this.columns === 1 || !this.scrolled) { return this.reset(); } this.rows.forEach(function (row) { return row.forEach(function (el, i) { return el.style.transform = "translateY(" + (i % 2 ? this$1.scrolled : this$1.scrolled / 8) + "px)"; } ); } ); }, events: ['scroll', 'load', 'resize'] } ], methods: { reset: function reset() { this.items.forEach(function (item) { return item.style.transform = ''; }); } } })); UIkit.component('grid-parallax').options.update.unshift({ read: function read() { this.reset(); }, events: ['load', 'resize'] }); function sortBy(collection, prop) { return collection.sort(function (a,b) { return a[prop] > b[prop] ? 1 : b[prop] > a[prop] ? -1 : 0; } ) } } if (!true && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.UIkit) { window.UIkit.use(plugin$7); } function plugin$8(UIkit) { if (plugin$8.installed) { return; } var mixin = UIkit.mixin; var util = UIkit.util; var assign = util.assign; var clamp = util.clamp; var Dimensions = util.Dimensions; var getImage = util.getImage; var isUndefined = util.isUndefined; var scrolledOver = util.scrolledOver; var query = util.query; var props = ['x', 'y', 'bgx', 'bgy', 'rotate', 'scale', 'color', 'backgroundColor', 'borderColor', 'opacity', 'blur', 'hue', 'grayscale', 'invert', 'saturate', 'sepia', 'fopacity']; mixin.parallax = { props: props.reduce(function (props, prop) { props[prop] = 'list'; return props; }, { easing: Number, media: 'media' }), defaults: props.reduce(function (defaults, prop) { defaults[prop] = undefined; return defaults; }, { easing: 1, media: false }), computed: { props: function props$1() { var this$1 = this; return props.reduce(function (props, prop) { if (isUndefined(this$1.$props[prop])) { return props; } var isColor = prop.match(/color/i), isCssProp = isColor || prop === 'opacity', values = this$1.$props[prop]; if (isCssProp) { this$1.$el.css(prop, ''); } var start = (!isUndefined(values[1]) ? values[0] : prop === 'scale' ? 1 : isCssProp ? this$1.$el.css(prop) : 0) || 0, end = isUndefined(values[1]) ? values[0] : values[1], unit = ~values.join('').indexOf('%') ? '%' : 'px', diff; if (isColor) { var color = this$1.$el[0].style.color; this$1.$el[0].style.color = start; start = parseColor(this$1.$el.css('color')); this$1.$el[0].style.color = end; end = parseColor(this$1.$el.css('color')); this$1.$el[0].style.color = color; } else { start = parseFloat(start); end = parseFloat(end); diff = Math.abs(start - end); } props[prop] = {start: start, end: end, diff: diff, unit: unit}; if (prop.match(/^bg/)) { var attr = "background-position-" + (prop[2]); props[prop].pos = this$1.$el.css(attr, '').css('background-position').split(' ')[prop[2] === 'x' ? 0 : 1]; // IE 11 can't read background-position-[x|y] if (this$1.covers) { assign(props[prop], {start: 0, end: start <= end ? diff : -diff}); } } return props; }, {}); }, bgProps: function bgProps() { var this$1 = this; return ['bgx', 'bgy'].filter(function (bg) { return bg in this$1.props; }); }, covers: function covers() { return this.$el.css('backgroundSize', '').css('backgroundSize') === 'cover'; } }, disconnected: function disconnected() { delete this._image; }, update: [ { read: function read() { var this$1 = this; delete this._computeds.props; this._active = !this.media || window.matchMedia(this.media).matches; if (this._image) { this._image.dimEl = { width: this.$el[0].offsetWidth, height: this.$el[0].offsetHeight }; } if (!isUndefined(this._image) || !this.covers || !this.bgProps.length) { return; } var src = this.$el.css('backgroundImage').replace(/^none|url\(["']?(.+?)["']?\)$/, '$1'); if (!src) { return; } this._image = false; getImage(src).then(function (img) { this$1._image = { width: img.naturalWidth, height: img.naturalHeight }; this$1.$emit(); }); }, write: function write() { var this$1 = this; if (!this._image) { return; } if (!this._active) { this.$el.css({backgroundSize: '', backgroundRepeat: ''}); return; } var image = this._image, dimEl = image.dimEl, dim = Dimensions.cover(image, dimEl); this.bgProps.forEach(function (prop) { var ref = this$1.props[prop]; var start = ref.start; var end = ref.end; var pos = ref.pos; var diff = ref.diff; var attr = prop === 'bgy' ? 'height' : 'width', span = dim[attr] - dimEl[attr]; if (!pos.match(/%$/)) { return; } if (start >= end) { if (span < diff) { dimEl[attr] = dim[attr] + diff - span; this$1.props[prop].pos = '0px'; } else { pos = -1 * span / 100 * parseFloat(pos); pos = clamp(pos, diff - span, 0); this$1.props[prop].pos = pos + "px"; } } else { if (span < diff) { dimEl[attr] = dim[attr] + diff - span; } else if ((span / 100 * parseFloat(pos)) > diff) { return; } this$1.props[prop].pos = "-" + diff + "px"; } dim = Dimensions.cover(image, dimEl); }); this.$el.css({ backgroundSize: ((dim.width) + "px " + (dim.height) + "px"), backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat' }); }, events: ['load', 'resize'] } ], methods: { reset: function reset() { var this$1 = this; Object.keys(this.getCss(0)).forEach(function (prop) { return this$1.$el.css(prop, ''); }); }, getCss: function getCss(percent) { var translated = false, props = this.props; return Object.keys(props).reduce(function (css, prop) { var values = props[prop], value = getValue(values, percent); switch (prop) { // transforms case 'x': case 'y': if (translated) { break; } var ref = ['x', 'y'].map(function (dir) { return prop === dir ? value + values.unit : props[dir] ? getValue(props[dir], percent) + props[dir].unit : 0; } ); var x = ref[0]; var y = ref[1]; translated = css.transform += " translate3d(" + x + ", " + y + ", 0)"; break; case 'rotate': css.transform += " rotate(" + value + "deg)"; break; case 'scale': css.transform += " scale(" + value + ")"; break; // bg image case 'bgy': case 'bgx': css[("background-position-" + (prop[2]))] = "calc(" + (values.pos) + " + " + (value + values.unit) + ")"; break; // color case 'color': case 'backgroundColor': case 'borderColor': css[prop] = "rgba(" + (values.start.map(function (value, i) { value = value + percent * (values.end[i] - value); return i === 3 ? parseFloat(value) : parseInt(value, 10); }).join(',')) + ")"; break; // CSS Filter case 'blur': css.filter += " blur(" + value + "px)"; break; case 'hue': css.filter += " hue-rotate(" + value + "deg)"; break; case 'fopacity': css.filter += " opacity(" + value + "%)"; break; case 'grayscale': case 'invert': case 'saturate': case 'sepia': css.filter += " " + prop + "(" + value + "%)"; break; default: css[prop] = value; } return css; }, {transform: '', filter: ''}); } } }; UIkit.component('parallax', { mixins: [mixin.parallax], props: { target: String, viewport: Number }, defaults: { target: false, viewport: 1 }, computed: { target: function target() { return this.$props.target && query(this.$props.target, this.$el) || this.$el; } }, disconnected: function disconnected() { delete this._prev; }, update: [ { read: function read() { delete this._prev; } }, { read: function read() { var percent = scrolledOver(this.target) / (this.viewport || 1); this._percent = clamp(percent * (1 - (this.easing - this.easing * percent))); }, write: function write() { if (!this._active) { this.reset(); return; } if (this._prev !== this._percent) { this.$el.css(this.getCss(this._percent)); this._prev = this._percent; } }, events: ['scroll', 'load', 'resize'] } ] }); function parseColor(color) { return color.split(/[(),]/g).slice(1, -1).concat(1).slice(0, 4).map(function (n) { return parseFloat(n); }); } function getValue(prop, percent) { return +(!isUndefined(prop.diff) ? prop.start + prop.diff * percent * (prop.start < prop.end ? 1 : -1) : +prop.end).toFixed(2); } } if (!true && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.UIkit) { window.UIkit.use(plugin$8); } UIkit$2.use(plugin); UIkit$2.use(plugin$1); UIkit$2.use(plugin$3); UIkit$2.use(plugin$4); UIkit$2.use(plugin$5); UIkit$2.use(plugin$6); UIkit$2.use(plugin$7); UIkit$2.use(plugin$8); { boot(UIkit$2); } return UIkit$2; }))); ;/*! 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